We have so many tomatoes we don't know what to do! God willing we can manage to give them all away! But I'm keeping at least 40 plants for us. I need to replenish my stock of tomato sauce. At least that is my goal (500 jars of tomato sauce). And we love tomato salad and tomato salsa. Last year the plants did not have enough space to thrive. And the plants I left uncovered got tomato blight because of the rain and cold. It was a very cold and wet summer. So now we will give them what they need, and I hope we will have a much better season. Juergen and Nicole and Sarah put up the new tomato house this weekend. It is 6 meters x 3 meters (that is about 20 feet x 10 feet). It is wonderful! Now I can have one greenhouse for the tomatoes, and the other for peppers, egg plants, and melon. We also have some really wonderful roses right now. My back is still hurting, but it is slowly better. I'm...