It's strange the things that run through my mind. Juergen has been at his dads all weekend. They were celebrating Richard's 80Th birthday. Juergen wanted to help him get stuff done around the house so it seemed best that we not bring the whole gang. Nicole had an art class all weekend. It was a 2 day workshop on cartooning. She can not decide if she wants to be a research scientist or an artist. I guess when you are gifted it's a real problem to know what path to pursue. You can only walk down one road. I have been reading about spiritual revival and watching what is going on in Florida. I pray all the time for my sweet Jessica to be healed. I don't feel any closer to a miracle then I did before. How are you suppose to feel right before your greatest need has been met? What are you suppose to feel like when the "impossible" suddenly becomes "possible"? I wish I could say I was filled with hope and faith. But God knows my heart. When I look at my beautiful Jessica, my heart breaks. I want her to have the same kind of opportunities as Nicole. I want her to have a future. All I can say is, "Lord Jesus please have mercy", "Jesus, please heal my baby". "Please"!
just know that if my prayers count for something that I will pray for sweet Jessica!