Jessica has been away all week with her class. You should have seen her face light up as her bus pulled into the parking lot of her school. I missed my baby. I was trying to figure out what I miss the most when Jessica is not with me. I think it's having the one person in my life that depends totally on me, but also trusts and appreciates me 100%. The other kids also "need" me, but they often are the voice of criticism. Nothing I do for them is ever right. Maybe it's just the age (Thomas is nearly 11, and Philip is almost 10). Jessica is all sweetness. I miss her sweet laugh, I miss her sweet little hand that wants to hold mine as she falls asleep at night. She had a great time on her trip. She wrote something for my parents Anniversary and I'll post that tomorrow. I am so glad she is home...my sweet baby is home!
The photo is of Jess feeding Juergen gummy bears.