We had a very busy weekend. I could use a few days of rest. On Saturday we got allot done around the house. Saturday night Juergen and I got to go out together. We were celebrating his 49Th birthday. First we went to see the new Indiana Jones movie. It was totally predictable and completely unrealistic but I loved it anyway! Then we went to a small hole in the wall pizza place. We are considering having Juergens Big 50Th party bash in this very cute Italian place. At least it's on our short list. Sunday was actually Juergen's birthday. The kids and I made a great birthday breakfast for papa. We had eggs Benedict with "holiday sauce". It's Hollandaise sauce but since we eat it every holiday, Thomas calls it Holiday sauce. Thomas had a work shop in African drumming Sunday afternoon. Sunday night
Juergen and Nicole got to raise some money for the house in Mexico. They gave an announcement at Heidelpraise, and received part of the offering. This morning Jessica left on a week long class trip. I was up until nearly 1 am packing her stuff. I worry about my sweet Jessica when she is not with me. I know she'll be well cared for but I will really miss my girl.