I went in for my computer tomography this morning. I was nervous but tried to stay calm. On the way there I started writing a song. "In your hands is the help that follows me, the love that sets me free and the hope that holds all my tomorrows ". They gave me a dye so that they could see contrasts in my lungs. I've never had to have any kind of dyes shot into my arm. I've always been very healthy (Praise God). Anyway, the dye made me very sick. I guess I'm allergic. I said stop...I sat up and began violently throwing up. Thank God there was someone there to hand me pans (yes pans) to throw up in. They also shot something else into my arm. This calmed my system down but it also made me sleepy. It's been 4 hours, and I still feel shaky. Juergen had to come pick me up and bring me home. I hope my car doesn't get towed away. It is in short term parking. My lungs and chest are clear of tumors (again, I Praise God). I'm sure I would not do very well if I had to do chemotherapy. I am sure I would be very sick. I'm greatful to be one step closer to a clean bill of health.