Nicole's class competed in a State competition in math. The entire class had to play a part in this competition. They won a prize and had to go to Karlsruhe
for the awards today. They ended up winning the first prize for best math class in the whole state of Baden-Württemberg (10Th grade). Nicole is technically in the 9Th grade but her class is being accelerated so they will graduate one year early. The prize was 200 € and a trip to Strasbourg in France. Normally they would be trilled to go to Strasbourg but the class is going there on Friday. Anyway, best math class in the state is a big honor. Most of this honor needs to be given to 3 students in Nicole's class that are basically math Genesis'. Everyone in the class had to play a part in the competition, but I'm sure these 3 kids brought the extra shine to the group!