Juergen spent two hours with Thomas helping him with his homework (this is after the 2 hours he already spent at the tutors). This happens almost every single day. Thomas is sinking in school. He is sinking hard. The German is just too hard for him. I personally think they put too much emphasis upon language ability. Every t must be crossed, and every i dotted or the sentence is wrong. Know one seems to care that he has other abilities. Writing is important, but it's not the only important skill. How about cultivating imagination, and other skills in science and history, music and art. But even in these classes too much of the grade is based upon how correct your sentences are (certainly not the content of the sentence). Thomas is a smart boy with ADHD. He is dying in this school system. His German is awful. So what if he know how to use a computer, build Lego, drum, and dance. So what!!! Juergen is going to try again to get him into the International school. Generally you must go to school where you live. The International school can accept students from other schools, and they have special instruction in German as a second language. They have said no 2 times, but we feel so desperate now...please pray they will finally say yes. Thomas needs some help, and some hope.
They have helped my grown up friend concentrate at work better. She just started them last summer.
I will pray for the best thing for Thomas to reveal itself.
Is home schooling an option in Germany? Is homeschooling an option with you (we each have to know if we're capable of it emotionally)
Heather BT
Wishing I still lived in WA to meet you when you come home this year. ;)
I really hope that they will soften there hearts and let him in to this school!!