Today I am beginning my 40 day fast. Normally when you fast, you don't announce it to the whole world. I don't want to seem overly religious with this fast. I guess I am writing it down as a way of teaching about this spiritual discipline and also for some extra accountability. I need the accountability, 40 days is a long time to be "good". I'm not doing a total fast (I have 5 kids and I am not crazy...I need to be able to function). I am not going to eat sugar, chocolate, meat, or fat and wine. I actually don't drink so the wine is just on the list for those who do drink. I can eat bread, fruit and vegetables. I can eat eggs,milk, plain yogurt and tee. I am also allowing myself to continue to drink my two cups of morning coffee. I know in a few days I will probably give up coffee anyway, but I'm telling myself It is OK to have it if I really want it. After a few days of fasting coffee probably won't taste good to me, I just know that. This morning I ate plain oatmeal with some milk.
What am I thanking God for today? I guess I thank him for what will take place in my life over the next 40 days. I can not see the fruit of this fact my flesh does not like to be locked up in a cage! By faith, I thank God for the fruits of obedience. I hope to break this fast on December 24Th, Christmas . I guess my Christmas will be that much sweeter because I waited for it to come!
What am I thanking God for today? I guess I thank him for what will take place in my life over the next 40 days. I can not see the fruit of this fact my flesh does not like to be locked up in a cage! By faith, I thank God for the fruits of obedience. I hope to break this fast on December 24Th, Christmas . I guess my Christmas will be that much sweeter because I waited for it to come!