The kids of course have summer vacation right now. My car is in the shop. We decide to fix the car and try to get two more years from the poor old thing (it's a 18 year old Mazda). I don't really drive that much. Juergen gets his new company car next week. It's a Mercedes van. Trying to be nice (and missing the mark) Juergen said I could drive our old car until Wednesday when we need to return it. I'm surprised he did not say, "if you clean it out". He gets to drive the new car!!!
I guess I talked Juergen into staying home a week and doing some work around the house. It was another vacation or a covered porch. The porch won. I am almost sad about that. I found a really nice vacation house in Italy. I'll hopefully be taking my parents there next Spring. It's just 12 miles from these thermal hot springs. They look heavenly. I wouldn't mind taking a soak in that hot spring now! Isn't that just the cutest Italian kitchen!!!