It's Good Friday, the day we remember the death of Christ on a cross. Because he died for me I try to live for him. Today I am thinking about the funeral of Juergen's mom. I am worried my sons cannot behave themselves. They are too hyperactive, they are self absorbed, they have a very hard time staying quiet and respectful. I'm worried about bringing them 5 hours in a car, and expecting them to be good when they get there. They will want Juergens attention. Juergen should be available to take care of his dad. The situation seems hopeless. They have a fallen nature. How could they act in a way contrary to their own nature? We have been spending a great deal of energy lately teaching our sons to acknowledge their mistakes, and say they are sorry. Saying "I'm sorry" is somehow hardest for the boys. My girls don't seem to have this problem. Why is this I wonder? But so much of mankind has this problem. We know we have a problem with sin. Somehow we just cannot bring ourselves to the cross. We can not confess our sin. We can not say, "I'm sorry". I called my friends. I decided we should not bring the boys to Omas funeral. God made a plan for us too. He sent his son to die for our sin. God knows we cannot manage on our own. Jesus did not die for perfect people, he died for sinners. We only need to say to God, "I need your help, I am sorry".
It's Good Friday, the day we remember the death of Christ on a cross. Because he died for me I try to live for him. Today I am thinking about the funeral of Juergen's mom. I am worried my sons cannot behave themselves. They are too hyperactive, they are self absorbed, they have a very hard time staying quiet and respectful. I'm worried about bringing them 5 hours in a car, and expecting them to be good when they get there. They will want Juergens attention. Juergen should be available to take care of his dad. The situation seems hopeless. They have a fallen nature. How could they act in a way contrary to their own nature? We have been spending a great deal of energy lately teaching our sons to acknowledge their mistakes, and say they are sorry. Saying "I'm sorry" is somehow hardest for the boys. My girls don't seem to have this problem. Why is this I wonder? But so much of mankind has this problem. We know we have a problem with sin. Somehow we just cannot bring ourselves to the cross. We can not confess our sin. We can not say, "I'm sorry". I called my friends. I decided we should not bring the boys to Omas funeral. God made a plan for us too. He sent his son to die for our sin. God knows we cannot manage on our own. Jesus did not die for perfect people, he died for sinners. We only need to say to God, "I need your help, I am sorry".