Philip had a full day of medical tests yesterday. Jessica also had tests. First, Juergen took Philip to the Neurological children's clinic in Heidelberg. They examined Philip and took blood to check on possible digestive issues. Philip was super shy during there interview. He didn't say a word. I'm sure they wondered if he could talk at all! Juergen said he was a totally different child once he left the building. He was laughing, skipping, and singing. The Neurologist said there was only a 1% chance they would find anything that would help Philip. Now that's encouraging!!!
Then we took Thomas to a good friends house, and drove a very long distance for the next Dr's appointment. It was an expert on the biomedical causes and treatment for Autism. The appointment was for Jessica. The Dr interviewed us for 2 1/2 hours. She was very knowledgeable. She asked us all sorts of questions about Jessica's life, birth, treatment and diet. We will be running blood tests, urine and stool samples, and hair samples. The tests will determine if Jessica needs to go back on a special diet again. We will also eventually be detoxing her from heavy metal poisoning. There is also a possibility she may still be effected by the herpes B6 virus she received a vaccination for 10 years ago. It perhaps never cleared her body. That's being checked. If it's a problem she will need very high does of anti viral medication. I'm hoping we don't need to go back to a special diet, but if we do that's OK.
Philip will have blood work done, then we will begin detoxing him from Mercury. He will need many vitamins and minerals between detox rounds. You give the medication 3 days on, 11 days off. He has to have blood and urine samples every 4-6 weeks. Hopefully detoxing him will help with his learning problems. They say Mercury makes you feel like your brain is in a cloud. Everything is foggy. Philip also has very weak hands. This is a sign of metal poisoning. Jessica also has very weak hands. I'm sure we would never known anything about heavy metal poising if it were not for Jessica and her autism. If this really helps Philip, he owes a great deal of credit to his big sister.
We were in the car 7 hours yesterday. Philip, Sarah, and Jessica did pretty good on the trip. We are very tired today. Sarah is really cranky today. I think Dr's and traveling stress her out. We need some quite today. I want to thank you for your prayers. I do believe it was a good trip.