Nicole leaves in the early am. I will miss her! She will be gone one week (God willing). We plan to go to Juergen's dads house when she returns. Thomas also has a class trip. He will go to Stuttgart for 3 days next week. Tomorrow Philip and Thomas have a joint birthday bowling party. They both invited 4 kids, and 3 kids from both boys can come. But 8 boys is a good number. They bowl, eat pizza, then come to our house to play and eat some more! Should be loud! Nicole is leaving at a pretty good time! Philip and Thomas are both excited. Thomas has never really had a friend party. I'm so glad he finally has friends to ask!
Juergen and I also attend my good friends 50Th birthday party tomorrow night. Busy weekend! But first we clean house, and yard.
Juergen and I also attend my good friends 50Th birthday party tomorrow night. Busy weekend! But first we clean house, and yard.