I slept well on a very stiff cardboard box. My mattress is too soft so I put a heavy piece of cardboard on the top of it. It made a good difference. Unfortunately my back is still hurting. I iced it, and now I have one of those hot bandages on it. I can not move without pain. My garden will have to wait. I'm going to go buy food for my kids, and then I plan on laying flat the rest of the day. Maybe I can get Juergen to come home early again? I hope it's not a disk, I think it's not. I've had this pain before and it got better with in a few days. I could use some prayer. It's impossible for me to get anything done. I've got laundry to do, and cleaning, and more. This is not good!
I slept well on a very stiff cardboard box. My mattress is too soft so I put a heavy piece of cardboard on the top of it. It made a good difference. Unfortunately my back is still hurting. I iced it, and now I have one of those hot bandages on it. I can not move without pain. My garden will have to wait. I'm going to go buy food for my kids, and then I plan on laying flat the rest of the day. Maybe I can get Juergen to come home early again? I hope it's not a disk, I think it's not. I've had this pain before and it got better with in a few days. I could use some prayer. It's impossible for me to get anything done. I've got laundry to do, and cleaning, and more. This is not good!
Love you sis.