Today is Sarah's 6Th birthday. She has been waiting along time for this day to come. Juergen took her with him to the baker so we could set the party table. That's when it started. Thomas began to pout. It's not his birthday and he can not stand it! Just yesterday we cheered for him because of his good grades. I took him to Toys R Us for new Lego, Juergen took him to McDonalds for dinner. It kills me he can not rejoice for others. But I heard a sermon lately about the orphan heart. Orphans have to survive alone. They see things like “me agents the world”. They are very “me” centered. I would hope after 4 years of being a son (almost 5 years) he would get past this. He is better then he was, but look at this face. When will he ever learn that loving her does not mean less love for him. We are a family and we can be happy for each other. I pray in time he will learn to be a son, and not an orphan.
UP Date...Thomas got over it. It took him about 3 hours, but he finally got over it. He ended up being a very sweet kid.