I was watching Larry King on CNN. There was a panel of Republicans and Democrats debating if Sarah Palins daughter’s pregnancy should be a issue. The Democrat said it should be an issue because the Republicans are always preaching "family values" and even(in some cases) say sex education should not be taught in school. So I thought the man has a point. I personally think Sarah Palins daughter should not be part of any national debate. She should be left alone. But the whole issue of family values, sex education, and abortion are political issues. I do not think you can legislate family values. Different people have different values. If one person believes in for example abstinence, and another believes in birth control this can not be legislated. The abortion battle will never be won as long as it is considered a value or moral issue. We will never come to an agreement because we do not all share the same values or morals. I do not believe abortion is a moral issue. Abortion is an ethical issue. If society says that life should be protected, even when that life is not "convent" this is a social ethic! For example, a family has an older parent that is sick. They require time and money to care for this parent. It is not simple or easy. Society gives the family the right to abandon the parent, but not the right to kill the parent! If a baby is born a parent does not have a right to kill this child, they can however safely abandon the child. We may not agree upon when life becomes life, but the whole "I have a right to my own body" is a real lame ethical argument! Our rights as people are always limited. We have rights, but no right to just kill another person because we want to. Pro choice people say life begins at birth. Pro life people say at conception. Science says something in-between. That age of when a baby can actually survive outside the womb is getting younger and younger. Late term abortion at the very least should be considered unethical! Most people getting abortions do it because it seems more convent then dealing with a baby at that time in their lives. Since when does society allow murder based on weather the life was or was not "convent" at that time in their lives? A woman has a right to have sex or not have sex. She has a right to use birth control or not use it. These are the "rights" she has to her body. If she gets pregnant, I think she has a right to keep the baby or give it away. I personally don't believe she should be given a right to kill the child...but at the very least not a late term abortion! I’m glad Sarah Palin’s daughter will keep the baby. I don’t necessarily believe she should marry the father. Often teen marriages end in Divorce. That is their choice. I hope it works out for them. I have written this before but…
Society needs to help support women that have unplanned pregnancies. Medical and emotional care needs to be made available more! Money needs to be there to help women that make the choice to keep the child. Adoption needs to become more socially acceptable. If we say we value life, we have to show it by our actions. All these things can be included in public policy. You can not dictate morals, but you can provide health care, child care, and education to pregnant teens. Our society can not say we are agents abortion with out helping women who have unplanned pregnancies. I also think the church needs to do a better job teaching our values to our own children. This does not mean they will choose to follow or accept our values. They may not accept our values. I just think we don’t actually do a good job teaching our kids. Even when they are taught, it is their choice (the choice of all my children) what they believe and what they do. Abortion is a choice I think we never should have been given. In no other area of society does one individual have so much power over another individual. Abortion undermines the worth of life. I've read some really hateful things from people about how Sarah Palins daughter should have gotten rid of the unwanted baby. Hateful awful, selfish inhuman stuff!!! I actually appreciate the response of Obama. Families should be off limits. He then went on to say his own mother had him when she was just 18 years old. Was he born before there was a choice? Why yes he was. And what would have happened if she had made the choice not to keep him? I don't agree with his politics, but I agree he is a brilliant man. His life has worth. We have lost 40 million individuals to abortion in America. We will never know what brilliant, creative, inspiring people where never given a chance to live because they were aborted. I don’t think we can debate values. I know we can debate ethics. Our values should be lived out. They have much more power if we just live what we believe.
Society needs to help support women that have unplanned pregnancies. Medical and emotional care needs to be made available more! Money needs to be there to help women that make the choice to keep the child. Adoption needs to become more socially acceptable. If we say we value life, we have to show it by our actions. All these things can be included in public policy. You can not dictate morals, but you can provide health care, child care, and education to pregnant teens. Our society can not say we are agents abortion with out helping women who have unplanned pregnancies. I also think the church needs to do a better job teaching our values to our own children. This does not mean they will choose to follow or accept our values. They may not accept our values. I just think we don’t actually do a good job teaching our kids. Even when they are taught, it is their choice (the choice of all my children) what they believe and what they do. Abortion is a choice I think we never should have been given. In no other area of society does one individual have so much power over another individual. Abortion undermines the worth of life. I've read some really hateful things from people about how Sarah Palins daughter should have gotten rid of the unwanted baby. Hateful awful, selfish inhuman stuff!!! I actually appreciate the response of Obama. Families should be off limits. He then went on to say his own mother had him when she was just 18 years old. Was he born before there was a choice? Why yes he was. And what would have happened if she had made the choice not to keep him? I don't agree with his politics, but I agree he is a brilliant man. His life has worth. We have lost 40 million individuals to abortion in America. We will never know what brilliant, creative, inspiring people where never given a chance to live because they were aborted. I don’t think we can debate values. I know we can debate ethics. Our values should be lived out. They have much more power if we just live what we believe.
I totally agree with you on that! And I think that could solve the whole issue. Because it wouldn't matter, if abortion is legal or not - women would have a real choice then and it would be easier for them, to decide for the child.
Oh, and actually the daughter of Sarah Palin shouldn't be a matter of this election.