The weather has turned very cold. It's even snowing today. The heat went out at Philips school and I had to pick him up early. I also pick Jessica up from school on Mondays. Today Jessica's teacher, Frau Grimm was almost in tears. It seems the school wants to give Jessica another teacher next year. Frau Grimm has been Jessica's personal teacher for 10 years. She is a second mother to Jessica. I'm going to try to keep a cool head about this and pray. Jessica only has two more years of school. I want her to finish her school time with Frau Grimm. Please pray with me.
Juergen went to India this morning. I'm sure we will be OK, but I miss him. TD Jakes preached once about 80% and 20%. All of us have 80% of our lives working well, and maybe 20% that does not work so well. We can lose sight of the 80%, and fix our eyes on that 20%. Some people will even leave the 80% looking for that part they feel is missing. Juergen is my 80% (plus some). When I look at him, I know I am blessed. Hopefully he will blog a little from India!