My Son Thomas has a bad attitude. He always rolls his eyes at me in a very disrespectful way. He gets this look like he is either very constipated or has been sucking on lemons. What do you do when you are always greeted with such a bad attitude? He use to be such a happy kid. Now he gets moody, mean spirited, and acts like the world owes him something! He is almost 10 years old. I sure hope he out grows this rotten attitude.
The boys got to visit a rock quarry today. It was part of our cities summer vacation program. They even got to see part of a mountain blown up. When they returned home I got a 30 second report about the day. I'm sorry, but what is this economy of word thing? Is that a male thing? Anyway, I got 30 seconds of enthusiasm, and then back to the grumpy attitude. "Mom, what's for lunch"? and "Mom, can I play on the computer"? The computer is a "no"! It only contributes to the sour attitude! Anyone who doubts man has a fallen nature should spend a few hours at my house. How boys grow to be men of honor and good character is truly a work of God! I pray God does that work in the lives of my sons.