I’m what you might call a seed-aholic. When I find good seeds I buy them. And Nicole will tell you, I have enough seeds. But she’s wrong! Well, no actually…she isn’t wrong. But I just love to collect seeds. And try them out. And sometimes I find some that I really love. I found awesome vegetable varieties in Italy. They have the very best onions and artichokes and peppers. Today I found some peppers (a mix of 8 kinds), lettuce, 5 different kinds of basil, orange sugar beets, a variety of sunflowers, a rainbow mix of carrots, 4 different kinds of zucchini, and dill and chives. I think I can safely start a few plants in our heater room this weekend. In 6 weeks it should be warm enough to transplant starts into the greenhouse. So even though it snowed today, and we expect freezing rain this weekend, I’m planning on a summer that includes a very big variety a colorful and healthy vegetables. When I buy seeds I can see the thousands of tomatoes, the fresh salad, the awesome pum...